YOUR Workers’ compensation CASE & your options

over 40 years

providing our clients with real results.


A Worker’s Compensation claim can be one of the most devastating events of a person’s life. The loss of income, physical injury, and maze of the claims process can be a nightmare to the injured person unfamiliar with the process.

As your Workers’ Compensation Attorney, we help you navigate the Workers’ Compensation maze, dealing with insurance adjusters, rehab nurses, case managers, health care professionals, the Workers’ Compensation Administration, and all the paperwork necessary for you to receive full and fair compensation.

If unsure about the proper steps to take for your current legal situation, we welcome you to call and schedule an appointment or fill out the form below to receive the proper direction and advice to help solve the problem.

Workers’ Compensation cases include:

  • Occupational Injuries such as slips and falls.

  • Repetitive Strain Injuries cause by repetitive motions or overuse, such as carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis.

  • Work-Related Illnesses such as illness resulting from exposure to hazardous substances and unhealthy working conditions.

  • Construction Accidents which include injuries such as falls from heights, equipment malfunctions, or site-related accidents.

  • Lifting Injuries such as back and musculoskeletal injuries caused by heavy lifting or improper lifting techniques at work.

  • Occupational Diseases which are illnesses that develop over time due to workplace exposure, such as respiratory conditions or certain cancers.

  • Mental Health Claims for work-related stress, anxiety, or mental health issues.